VectorUSA Blog - Solving Business Problems with Technology Solutions

Wireless Solution Trends for 2021

Written by Ken Beck, Solutions Architect | January 26, 2021

Every year, it seems as if technology evolves faster and faster, but 2020 has shown just how valuable these advancements can be for both our personal and professional lives. These developments have been especially notable for wireless solutions, which have revolutionized how and where we work, what we can accomplish, and even how we stay connected to those who matter. 

Technological evolution is showing no signs of slowing and, as we move ahead, wireless solutions will continue to offer new ways to keep us connected, productive, and secure. As businesses and employees look ahead to what their new normal will be, wireless technology is poised to have a very bright future.

This article will take a peek at the big trends we see coming over the horizon, so you’re ready for what’s next.

1. Embracing Continued Flexibility

As more people collaborate and work online—a trend that shows no signs of reversing—businesses, schools, and public organizations need to be able to handle the new levels and types of demand on their networks and technology.

When it comes to everything, including enhanced network infrastructure, firewalls, and processing speed, wireless solutions must offer reliable, robust responsiveness to new requirements for hardware and software deployment and maintenance. The years ahead require targeted, thoughtful planning and budgeting to meet wireless demand—without breaking the bank.


2. Emphasizing Security and Privacy

In the wake of data breaches, hacks, and privacy concerns, more consumers, students, and employees are focused on the safety and security of their data and systems. 

Although mobile devices and wireless solutions allow businesses to maintain continuity and increase productivity, this diversity in connected endpoints poses a challenge for teams looking to maintain security standards. 

This challenge has led to advancements in wireless authentication mechanisms. It has also increased the reliance on artificial intelligence to flag suspicious devices and quarantine them before any malicious activity occurs.



3. Ensuring Additional Resilience

Whether it is a natural disaster, a public health event, cyber criminals, or a sudden surge in demand, organizations need to ready their infrastructure for the unknown, leveraging new technology solutions to stay nimble and resilient. 

Although bolstering data back-up centers, increasing redundancy in key network devices, and improving disaster recovery planning are all best practices, organizations need to think of the bigger picture, too. This means addressing questions such as:

  • Are we making the best use of our resources? 
  • Do we really understand how our users are leveraging technology? 
  • Do we have the administrative and financial flexibility to meet our needs? 

Just as in the public education system, business organizations leveraging wireless technology as a major piece of their infrastructure need to think strategically about how best to use cutting-edge technology.


4. Laying a Foundation for the Future

From 5G and the Internet of Things, to IPv6 and a rapidly growing number of cloud providers, mobile devices, and connected systems, businesses are focusing on how they can lay the foundation to stay ahead of tomorrow’s technology trends. 

Fortunately, business and IT leaders are beginning to fully understand the benefits and opportunities that investing in technology and wireless solutions can bring. From adopting a cloud-first strategy to embracing managed services (which can save money and maintain a competitive edge), IT professionals are taking their well-deserved seat in the boardroom as key investment decisions are being made.


Bringing It All Together

The years ahead offer plenty of opportunities to implement more robust, secure, and flexible solutions to enable your customers and community, but only if you have laid the proper groundwork, are supported by the business, and have a plan. Fortunately, it is never too early to evaluate your organization’s strengths and weaknesses so you can take the necessary steps to be an industry leader tomorrow.

If you don’t know where to start, or if you want to discuss your current plan with an industry expert, contact our experienced team here at VectorUSA. We are well-versed in what it takes to prepare, maintain, secure, and future-proof a network, no matter the size or industry.